[Men's fashion] No. Un: Association de l'elegance masculine francaise printemps-été 1967
[Men's fashion] No. Un: Association de l'elegance masculine francaise printemps-été 1964
[Men's fashion] No. Un: Association de l'elegance masculine francaise printemps-été 1963
[Men's fashion] No. Un: Association de l'elegance masculine francaise
[Hours Press] Apollinaire by Walter Lowenfels
[heraldry] Stam=en Wapenboek van Aanzienlijke Nederlandsche Familiën
[George Nakashima] New Life for the Noble Tree
[Edward Gorey] Fragebogen (The Questionnaire) by Ernst von Salomon
[Australian Emigration, 1847] Phillipsland by John Dunmore Lang
Young Samurai : Bodybuilders of Japan
Yoshida Hiroshi : Print-maker
Works of Carlyle/ Huge brown & gold set
Windsor-Chair Making in America
Walter Gay
Waldbilder by Hermann Vogel
Vogue's Book of Houses, Gardens, People
Vogue Scandinavia -- Greta Thurnberg on cover.
Vogue Paris Septembre 1978
Vogue Paris Mars 1973 Guy Bourdin cover